Knowing Known: Our Impact.
At the heart of Known Impact is that each and every person on this planet is known and empowered to live their life to the fullest. Business plays a large and powerful role in that.
In our globalising world, we can see that social issues such as modern slavery and ethical supply chains, waste, land degradation, carbon emissions, wellbeing and so many more are bubbling to the surface. As much as there have been decisions made in the past that have accelerated these issues, what better time than now, is there to make decisions to build a better future.
At Known Impact over the coming years we want to take actions towards this future.
We have a heart for our developing communities. We are seeking to work with universities and partner organisations to build thriving communities and serve real needs across our globe.
Aligned with our goals of Integrity (inward reflection), Empathy (interpersonal connection) and Generosity (External reflection of the others) we want to be able to serve true needs. We are not heroes. We empower real people to make real change by equipping them with the resources they need to bring real change in their local community. Specifically, we want to empower increased community resilience.
This type of long term and sustainable impact is not something anyone should or could jump into quickly. We will be moving slowly, intentionally and with great care to foster relationships and ensure the impact of this business is one that builds the best future (and present) that it can.
Closer to home, over the next three years, we too will become a B Corporation and be giving 1% For The Planet. We are well on our way to achieving these goals.
Thank you for your support! and welcome to this new space! It feels vulnerable, exciting, scary and full of passion all at the same time.
Speak soon, and until then,
keep building better,
- Peta